Friday, February 5, 2010

Chicken and Cookies Challenge - Week 7

This week I went over to Mr. Wonderful's as we were going out to a play and visiting Nauticus and the USS Wisconsin.

 Mr. Wonderful treated me to chicken burritos from Qudoba and I supplied Shortbread cookies I saw on Secret Agent Josaphine's blog... of course the recipe was in grams... and I had to do some calculations:

I rounded my measurement conversions to make it easier on myself, it worked fine for me... if you don't trust me go ahead and redo them for yourself.

25.25 Tablespoons All Purpose flour
1.25 Tablespoons Cornstarch
21 Tablespoons Unsalted Butter
11.25 Tablespoons Confectioner's Sugar
1 vanilla bean (I used 1 teaspoon vanilla extract)

Now I did not have all sorts of cookie cutters or icing tips so I just made some round with chocolate drops and one big round one. It works out for us....


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